PayPal-Friendly Outdoor Gear Websites
Do you want to order the necessary equipment, supplies, or apparel to ensure that your next camping trip, hiking journey, or other outdoor adventure is fun, safe, and comfortable?
The list below contains information about outdoor gear retailers that accept PayPal.
On these websites, outdoor activity enthusiasts, hikers, and campers can properly outfit themselves while using PayPal as the online payment method.

Outdoor recreation offers participants a variety of physical, social, emotional and intellectual benefits, among many others.
This enjoyable activity, which is great for men, women and children of all ages, provides the ultimate setting for physical and mental growth.
Simple popular recreational activities like walking, hiking, camping and others are essential for one’s health and wellbeing, as they improve overall quality of life.
They offer a good way to balance the daily pressures of work and ongoing family responsibilities with pleasurable leisure time.
Performing the much needed physical exercise while being outdoors provides a great opportunity to get outside and enjoy an experience that combines excitement and adventure.
Mother Nature offers so many different options to explore: parks, forests, mountain trails, beaches, lakes, deserts and much more.
Breathing some fresh air, enjoying an amazing view of a totally natural, serene environment, sleeping under the starry sky and discovering nature’s many wonders offers almost endless opportunities for excitement, challenges, calculated risks and human development.
Getting an opportunity to socialize and build strong relationships with other individuals and form lasting friendships with like-minded people who share the same passion for outdoor life.
The ability to meet people from all parts of society and backgrounds who share a similar interest, builds cultural bridges and promotes social diversity, understanding and harmony which supports the development of inclusive communities.
It’s also a great way to strengthen family ties, build better parent-child relationships and help married couples fortify their connection.
Participation in recreation, leisure, outdoor sports activities and physical exercise helps maintaining a healthy weight and reduces the risk of unwanted chronic disease.
The physically fit person will almost always enjoy lower blood pressure, lower body fat percentages and healthier cholesterol levels.
Consistent physical activity in the wild helps to relax and reduce stress, anxiety and depression.
It contributes to the empowerment of individuals, builds a sense of balance and self-esteem and helps refreshing both bodies and minds.
As a natural part of healthy living, spending time outside in nature is important for general intellectual development.
From increased confidence and independence, improved creativity and enhanced focus to better self-esteem and expanded problem-solving skills.
List of Activities
When people wish to leave the rest of the world behind, encounter what Mother Nature has to offer and experience peace, solitude and extremely rewarding quality time, they go outdoors.
Hare is an alphabetical list of some of the most popular recreational activities:
- Birding
- Camping
- Canoeing
- Cliff Jumping
- Cycling
- Diving
- Fly Fishing
- Hunting
- Kayaking
- Nature Trips
- Paddling
- Rafting
- Road & Mountain Biking
- Rock Climbing
- Scenic Drives
- Skating
- Ski
- Snorkeling
- Snowboarding
- Surfing
- Swimming
- Trail Running
- Wakeboarding
- Walking
What Do Outdoor Equipment Websites Offer?
Venturing out into the wilderness and enjoying any kind of adventure in nature requires careful planning and obtaining the appropriate gear for any specific environment, terrain, wildlife, climate as well as other unique needs.
The right equipment has many vital functions, from keeping one alive and safe, warm, dry, protected from the elements and under proper shelter to preparing food, navigating, sleeping and making the trip a lot more comfortable and enjoyable.
Online retailers offer a great variety of specialty gear, camping equipment, men’s, women’s and children’s outdoor apparel, footwear, special outerwear, field tools, accessories and much more – from many established and popular brands.
From journey supply basics and clothing essentials for all skill and ability levels to useful items that can make a difference in a desperate emergency situation and save the hiker’s life, when the unexpected occurs.
Here are some of the product categories that can be found in any major outdoor equipment store on the web:
- Clotting
- Shoes & Boots
- Tents & Shelters
- Sun & Bug Protection
- Sleeping Bags
- Bags, Backpacks & Packs
- Trekking Poles
- Water Bottles & Hydration
- Flashlights & Headlamps
- Camp Cooking & Dining
- Coolers
- Camp Furniture
- Hammocks
- Knives & Multi-Tools
- First Aid
- Showers & Toilets
- Optics
- GPS, Compasses & Navigation
- Survival Gear
- Electronics & Gadgets
- Portable Power
Paying for Outdoor Gear with PayPal
Many popular camping and recreational gear ecommerce sites in the market accept PayPal and take a variety of other payment methods such as credit cards, debit cards, wire transfers, gift cards and more.